jeudi 24 décembre 2015

New Linux Manjaro distribution

New Linux Manjaro distribution 15.12

Philippe Muller has announced the release of a new version of the Manjaro Linux distribution. The new version, Linux Manjaro 15.12, comes with Xfce 4.12 and 5.5 of the Plasma desktop KDE with a freshly polished system installer. "Significant changes in our tools: The Manjaro's kcm Settings module has been reworked; several improvements to PAMAC and Octopi; optimizations and corrections Manjaro-Tools; LVM problem has been fixed in seinde THUS. We have the following changes: Apps KDE has been updated to the 15.12 VirtualBox is now in vrsion 5.0.12, Mesa is the 11.0.8 version WINE to version 1.8 and the linux kernel to Version 4.4- rc6. Bumblebee is now set for OpenRC and ot small corrections made to the samba-share plugin Thunar.

manjaro 15.12 
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